Art Journaling E-course


If you want to add more creativity to your life, have a safe space to express your thoughts and emotions in a healthy way and make cool art and have fun, this course is for you!

The Art Journaling E-course will teach you how to start an art journaling practice! This can be the first step in kickstarting your creativity, connecting with your inner artist and allowing space for creative, logical and emotional expression. Art journaling can help you regulate and express your emotions, gain confidence in your work and have a growth mindset.

Included in this self-paced course:

· Access to a private Facebook community so you can make friends with like-minded creatives, have a sense of accountability, consistency, and feedback.

· 10 Modules that will gide you through mateirals and techniques

Things I will teach you:

· How to properly take care of your brushes so they survive for a long time

· Learn how to mix paint with only 3 colors so you can make all the colors you want

· How colors relate to each other and their color families. How to mix different browns/skin tones.

· How to pre-plan your pages so that you can create whenever you have the time

· A prompt list to help you get started and overcome the fear of a blank page

· How to use homemade supplies if you are not ready to buy art supplies

Watch the Art Journaling Trailer here.

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If you want to add more creativity to your life, have a safe space to express your thoughts and emotions in a healthy way and make cool art and have fun, this course is for you!

The Art Journaling E-course will teach you how to start an art journaling practice! This can be the first step in kickstarting your creativity, connecting with your inner artist and allowing space for creative, logical and emotional expression. Art journaling can help you regulate and express your emotions, gain confidence in your work and have a growth mindset.

Included in this self-paced course:

· Access to a private Facebook community so you can make friends with like-minded creatives, have a sense of accountability, consistency, and feedback.

· 10 Modules that will gide you through mateirals and techniques

Things I will teach you:

· How to properly take care of your brushes so they survive for a long time

· Learn how to mix paint with only 3 colors so you can make all the colors you want

· How colors relate to each other and their color families. How to mix different browns/skin tones.

· How to pre-plan your pages so that you can create whenever you have the time

· A prompt list to help you get started and overcome the fear of a blank page

· How to use homemade supplies if you are not ready to buy art supplies

Watch the Art Journaling Trailer here.

If you want to add more creativity to your life, have a safe space to express your thoughts and emotions in a healthy way and make cool art and have fun, this course is for you!

The Art Journaling E-course will teach you how to start an art journaling practice! This can be the first step in kickstarting your creativity, connecting with your inner artist and allowing space for creative, logical and emotional expression. Art journaling can help you regulate and express your emotions, gain confidence in your work and have a growth mindset.

Included in this self-paced course:

· Access to a private Facebook community so you can make friends with like-minded creatives, have a sense of accountability, consistency, and feedback.

· 10 Modules that will gide you through mateirals and techniques

Things I will teach you:

· How to properly take care of your brushes so they survive for a long time

· Learn how to mix paint with only 3 colors so you can make all the colors you want

· How colors relate to each other and their color families. How to mix different browns/skin tones.

· How to pre-plan your pages so that you can create whenever you have the time

· A prompt list to help you get started and overcome the fear of a blank page

· How to use homemade supplies if you are not ready to buy art supplies

Watch the Art Journaling Trailer here.


How much time does this course require?
This is a self-paced course so you can put as little or as much time into it as you prefer. You get out of this course what you put into it. All of my classes have unlimited access- once the class goes live you can create and access the class at any time and work at your own pace. There is no deadline or pressure to create. The important thing is to have fun!

Do I have to know about art or be an artist to take this course?
Absolutely not! This course is for everybody, they key is not not be afraid to try something new.

Are updates included, and does this course expire?
Once you purchase this course the content is yours. For Life. Whenever new material is added or updated you will receive it for free. For Life.

Do you have a supply list?
I don’t because this course was created for you to use whatever is at your disposal. However, I do link all my supplies and give you a couple of good websites that sell great art supplies.You will need an art journal, this can be a sketchbook or composition notebook, some form of paint, brushes and your favorite pens and markers. I will show you all the materials in the course as well.